Hotel Luna Convento

Albergo Storico ad Amalfi

Hotel Luna Convento
Albergo Storico con Chiostro del 1200


  • La Veranda Hotel Restaurant

  • La Veranda Hotel Restaurant

  • La Veranda Hotel Restaurant

  • La Veranda Hotel Restaurant

  • La Veranda Hotel Restaurant

  • La Veranda Hotel Restaurant

  • La Veranda Hotel Restaurant

  • Restaurant

  • Restaurant

La Veranda Hotel Restaurant

The Hotel Luna Convento has two panoramic sea view restaurants for delighting our guests’ palate and sight with typical dishes of Amalfi culinary tradition, perfect combination between sea and mountain.

Our chefs propose a menu that, respecting the natural cycle of seasons, enhances the simple and genuine flavors of local products, grown on lush terraced gardens overlooking the sea, not far from the Hotel Luna Convento.

visit also the website of our villa

Eremo San Francesco

visit also the website of our restaurant

Torre Saracena

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