Hotel Luna Convento

Albergo Storico ad Amalfi

Hotel Luna Convento
Albergo Storico con Chiostro del 1200


Contact Us

Hotel Luna Convento

Via Pantaleone Comite, 33 - 84011 Amalfi (SA) - Italy

+39.089.871002/871050 - -


I agree according to the European GDPR Regulation 679/2016

Information-sheet in compliance with European GDPR Regulation 679/2016 on the handling of personal data and information

We hereby inform you that your personal information and data will be handled in our electronic and/or paper archives, in strict compliance with the measures laid down by the mentioned law. We hereby guarantee that all data and information will be treated as strictly confidential and handled for the purpose to supply you with the requested information. Mandatory fields are required and must be filled in completely, otherwise it will be impossible for us to supply you with the detailed and correct information. Your personal data and information will be treated by our staff. The data and information handling as required by the above is of no prejudice to the rights granted to you by article 7 of the mentioned regulations; Holder of the data processing is: Hotel Luna Convento - Via Pantaleone Comite, 33 - 84011 Amalfi (SA) - Italy - P.IVA 00236140653

visit also the website of our villa

Eremo San Francesco

visit also the website of our restaurant

Torre Saracena

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